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A nerd in your home

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The reason I set up Nörtti paikalle, was simply to be able to make peoples lives better. Saving the world, one laptop at time. This is certainly part of the service description, but there is much more to it than than this.

Maybe the first thing people think of when they think of IT Support, is a bespectacled figure swooping in to resurrect a broken device. Sometimes it might be that, but in reality, it’s much more than that. For instance a description of the service offered includes:

  • Upgrade devices and give them a new lease of life.
  • Set-up your internet when you move home.
  • Expand your office network with shared storage, printers, firewalls, servers.
  • Perform preventative maintenance.
    • This can take only half an hour or so, and can prevent nasty surprises in the future.
  • Assist remotely with non-hardware related issues.
    • In one case, I was able to help a customer get his three laptops connected to the home WLAN when all of them seemed to have completely different problems. He was sat 135 km away.
  • Provide training (sitting down with you over a coffee) about almost anything to do with computers and mobile phones.
    • “Is now a good time to upgrade?”
    • ”How do I stay safe online?”
    • “Can you show me how to set up my email on my new phone?”

In the picture above, you can see me opening the laptop of the customer’s daughter. The main hard drive was full, and the request was to install an extra one. The actual work took only about half an hour or so, and included:

  • The installation of the new part
  • Configuration of the operating system so it used the new storage space.
  • Complementary removal of dust and debris & wipe down of the case.

If any of these things ring a bell, drop me a line via the contact page, and let’s talk!

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